
Empower people managers to allocate human talent to projects across the company while accounting for their availability and project timeline.

Impact: 18% decrease in overhead charge code spend & 11% increase in employee utilization rate in the first 3 months


Product designer


Oct 2023 - Dec 2023


VP Human Capital
Project manager
Software Developer


Visual design
Interaction design
User research



The Problem

The manual process to track and match employees to open projects is time consuming with too many variables and tools to consider.

Senior management uses multiple tools such as UKG employee data and Excel spreadsheets to keep track of their employees' changeability rate in connection to available client projects. Inability to staff an employee into an open project in a timely manner due to a messy process means the company is losing money due to under utilization.

The Solution

Data powered management dashboard with AI job recommendation

Talent Intelligence

Provide data visualization about current employees' status, upcoming projects, and training opportunities.

Project Staffing

Ability to view existing or add new projects where AI/ML can later recommend potential candidates with matching skills.


In the first 3 months of internal use...
  • 18% decrease in overhead charge code spend
  • 11% increase in employee utilization rate
  • The Skill-link feature was incorporated into LMI Talent Ignite, an in-house developed B2B SaaS tool that can be purchased by customers

Design approach


  • discuss project scope with client
  • conduct user interview
  • competitive analysis


  • synthesize user insights
  • create user persona
  • create user flow


  • initial ideation with client
  • iterations based on data and feedback from consistent check-ins

Test & Handoff

  • conduct user test
  • discuss with developer on design details

Feature breakdown

Talent Intelligence

Direct Report Summary

A summary of employee status across the organization and their distribution on client projects

Employee Roster

Highlight of direct reports with key indication of project status and high-level skills and specialty areas

Training Opportunities

Highlights of popular training certification courses offered by LMI to up-skill employees

Open Projects

See the latest open projects with staffing status to quickly match with available employees

AI Project Matching

Project Summary

Showcase key meta-data with role description and expected outcomes

Recommended Tools & Datasets

Using ChatGPT 3.5 API, potential tools and existing internal databases are highlighted for the role's expectations based on similar projects in the past.

AI Recommended Candidates

ChatGPT 3.5 API uses project descriptions, skills, and employee's availability to recommend top employees for managers explore


Interview & Insights


I interviewed 5 managers, each managing up to 30 employees across 5 collaborative sessions

Key Issues

  • manually locate low chargeability employees and newly available employees feels tedious and repetitive so managers dread the process

  • planning ahead to transition employee from contract end-date to new contract start-date can be overwhelming as their skills need to match the role as well

  • only updating twice a month means employees can fall through the crack and not have chargeable projects, this can negatively impact organization performance


Desired Features

1. Key information at a glance

Rather than going to multiple sources for data, a dashboard that acts as a singular source of truth can improve efficiency.

2. Employee profile data

Managers want to keep track of all of their direct reports and understand their individualized specialty

3. Role tracking

Understanding the timeline of ending projects and the start of incoming projects can decrease unused time on the "bench."

4. Role matching

Organizing employees by skills can be overwhelming, so additional suggestions utilizing AI can speed up the process.

User Flow Comparison

Process Before

Using downloaded UKG data via excel means filtering employees multiple times as the manager manually matches end-dates to upcoming start-dates.

Process After

The new feature will alert the manager upon launch of the tool of low chargeability and incoming contract end-date. The user can scroll down to see the full employee roster and open projects that they can assign to the employee.



We took inspiration from rounded designs to create a light and airy feel for what is going to be a data visual-heavy dashboard. The aim is for the dashboard to look clean, light, and easy to understand.

Function 1: Talent Intelligence Iterations

Low-fi sketch

Based on the discussion of desired functions, we did an ideation session of several sketches focusing on the data layout and how it can help the user.

Iteration 1

The first approach focused on 3 categories of chargeability across the organization.

Iteration 2

Shift data content to focus on the Yield-to-Date rate across the organization with the addition of an employee roster.

Final Iteration

Function 2: AI Project Staffing

Low-fi sketch

Managers can add new projects, the descriptions will be used to generate candidates with matching skill requirements

Iteration 1

Display key role details with suggested candidates grouped by role title so a hand-picked group can be formed.

Iteration 2

Updated candidate recommendations to showcase top-ranking individuals for a more concise overview.

Final Iteration


What went well

Opportunities for Improvement